I think I may be one of the "internet generation" to start a blog. Until just recently, I wasn't even exactly sure what blogging was. When an auntie of mine informed me a couple of weeks ago as to what a blog was and given the fact that writing has always been one of my favourite hobbies I figured "Why Not?" I spent a week or two pondering as to what I wanted to blog about and unable to decide on just one particular topic or theme I figured I would write about anything at any particular time that I find interesting or compelled to write about. I very well be the only one who ever reads it anyway.

Back to Basics: Our Inner Child

I am sure we have all heard expressions along the lines of "Remembering our inner child." Until recently, I didn't quite understand what that meant. Although, I am still learning about the significance of this concept, the more I nurture my spiritual being,the clearer it becomes. I have come to understand that within the process of really getting to know myself, it is necessary to get to know my inner child. This is where, I believe, the essence of my being exists.
When I first started looking back at my life and getting to know my inner child, I was astounded as to how little I have changed when it comes to the things I truly value and felt were important. The things I enjoyed the most are the things that to this day nurture my spirit.
Although there is alot to be said for growing and in the process acquiring knowledge, I believe that most of us give something very important up in that process. For myself, adult life and all that comes along with it, distracted me from the things that I truly value. I lost sight of the things that I truly believe. It was almost like all the new knowledge and experience that I have acquired thus far left little to no room for the values, beliefs and so on that are permanantly engrained in my very being. hi
Recently, in an attempt to really take an honest, personal inventory of my life starting with the beginning, and I began writing about my childhood did I begin to truly understand what is meant by "getting to know your inner child". I have learned so much about myself already by doing so and I would strongly recommend it to everyone. Maybe start out by asking yourself questions such as,"What did you want to be when you were a child?", or "What 18were your favourite things to do?" "What was the happiest day of your childhood life? Why?"
All adults, whether they are 18 or 88, were a child at one time and that child is and always be an enormous part of who you are. Doesn't it make sense to get to know them?