I think I may be one of the "internet generation" to start a blog. Until just recently, I wasn't even exactly sure what blogging was. When an auntie of mine informed me a couple of weeks ago as to what a blog was and given the fact that writing has always been one of my favourite hobbies I figured "Why Not?" I spent a week or two pondering as to what I wanted to blog about and unable to decide on just one particular topic or theme I figured I would write about anything at any particular time that I find interesting or compelled to write about. I very well be the only one who ever reads it anyway.

Relationship E-Marketing

A few "tips" to help maintain personal, trusting and lasting consumer relationships through the Internet Barrier.

Technology, particularly the Internet, has undoubtedly changed the way we as human beings, so countless things over the last 15 years or so. There is no question. What does seem to be an ongoing debate however, with opinions that from what I have heard vary pretty evenly is, "Has technology helped or hurt our overall relationships and the way we interact with our fellow beings, both professional levels as well as personal levels?"

I can see both sides of the argument, both with equal strengths and weaknesses, so I can't say I am convinced entirely for either side. On one end, the Internet and such has made it extremely easy to communicate with anyone around the world through e-mail, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We are even able to chat for free with just about anyone, just about anywhere in the world. On the other end, these very tools that allow us to make such easy contact, take away a lot of the more intimate, personal ways in which to communicate with one another. An email just is not the same as a handwritten letter, and there are times when a text just is not the same as a phone call.

As Internet grows more and more with every day that goes by, more and more companies, services, etc. are choosing to use the E-Marketing method as a way of both obtaining market research and promotions. Although this is an effective way for marketing strategists to go about it because of the vast amounts of people in which they have access to, there is one very important aspect that must be acknowledged and applied for the most effective and successful outcome.

A successful E-Marketing strategy, quite simply, understand that maintaining a trusting and mutual respectful relationship with each and every one of it's consumers. Taking into consideration that this can often be a challenge, especially through a E-Marketing campaign for a variety of reasons, most significantly I believe, the interpersonal communication wall that technology has built in many ways. However, the good news is, the purpose of this very article is to pass on, what I hope to be some useful "tips' for lack if a better word, that I have found really helped build stronger more personal relations, for the most part, with various people within my market, that I may not otherwise had.

One thing I have found that is universal among just about everyone I have ever come into contact with. People don't want to hear about how much you know. They want to know about how much you care about them. Everyone wants to feel as though their feelings, wants, needs, etc. are taken into consideration and cared about. The reason why I stated this first is because just about everything followed is based on that simple principle. People need to know that they are cared about and that I (as a service) have their best interest at heart. With that, no-one wants to feel like a "number or just another customer. Everyone wants to be appreciated, accepted and treated accordingly to who they are as an individual.