I think I may be one of the "internet generation" to start a blog. Until just recently, I wasn't even exactly sure what blogging was. When an auntie of mine informed me a couple of weeks ago as to what a blog was and given the fact that writing has always been one of my favourite hobbies I figured "Why Not?" I spent a week or two pondering as to what I wanted to blog about and unable to decide on just one particular topic or theme I figured I would write about anything at any particular time that I find interesting or compelled to write about. I very well be the only one who ever reads it anyway.

Guardian Angel

My maternal Grandfather, George Taylor, died on January 26th 1981. This happened to be the same day my mother found out she was pregnant with her first born....me. After her doctor's appointment she called her dad and told him he had something to tell her and they had planned to meet at his house after his jog around Boulevard Lake. My grandpa, unfortunately, never came home from that jog. He had a heart attack and passed away before my Mom could give him the news. That same year, my Mom's two only sisters gave birth to their first children as well.
I have always felt a special bond with my Grandpa even though I never had the pleasure of meeting him. I love when my Mom tells stories about him and the more I learn about him, the more it amazes me how much we are alike. This has always provided me with alot of comfort because as much as I love each and every member of my family, I often feel a bit different. Not better.... not worse.... Just different.
Although I have had dreams of my Grandpa George since I was a kid, they were few and far between until about three weeks ago. For the last several weeks I have been dreaming about him about every second night. They are always simple dreams. It is usually just the two of us sitting in his kitchen talking. Most times I wake up and can just vaguely remember what we talked about, but one thing I always remember is he calls me "Ladybug".
Last night around nine p.m. I was on my sofa reading, while my son was getting ready for bed in his bedroom down the hall,when I heard a faint whisper that sounded like "Ladybug." I figured I was hearing things and didn't pay too much attention until about 10 seconds later when I heard it again louder. After the second time, I immediately felt a strong feeling in my gut that I had better check on Kyler, even though I had a few minutes prior and he was happily playing with his toy cars. I ran into his room and almost fainted when I saw that my five year old son was halfway dangled outside his window.... and we are on the third floor!! I am not sure how, but the screen in his window and has been for three years had ripped and I am convinced another couple moments he would have fallen out and would have either been very seriously injured or even killed! I was so shaken up that it wasn't until about half hour later that it dawned on me what happened.... what I believe happened. I believe with all my heart that my Grandpa saw what was happening, warned me the only way he could, and stopped what would have been a terrible tragedy.
I believe we all have Guardian Angels and I have known for as long as I can remember that my Grandpa, George Taylor, has been watching over me. After what happened last night, I am comforted to know that he is watching over my son as well. I don't know anymore than anyone else what happens after we pass away, however, I do whole heartedly believe that I will have the opportunity to get to know my Grandpa and thank him.