I think I may be one of the "internet generation" to start a blog. Until just recently, I wasn't even exactly sure what blogging was. When an auntie of mine informed me a couple of weeks ago as to what a blog was and given the fact that writing has always been one of my favourite hobbies I figured "Why Not?" I spent a week or two pondering as to what I wanted to blog about and unable to decide on just one particular topic or theme I figured I would write about anything at any particular time that I find interesting or compelled to write about. I very well be the only one who ever reads it anyway.

Meet Caitlyn Jenner!

    The latest issue of Vanity Fair Magazine, July 2005, like most issues, has a stunningly beautiful woman on the cover. She used to be a two time Olympic gold medal for Track and Field that he brought home to the United States & an athletic "God". Most under the age of forty are familiar with her as the now former husband of twenty five years of Kardashian matriarch, Kris Jenner. 
    For the one or two people who are not aware, over the last while there had been alt of speculation that Bruce Jenner was cross dressing and such. Personally, I figured it was just the media being the media and most of the rumours seemed to swirl around two issues. First and foremost, maybe a year or so he went under the knife and went in for a facelift. I can't imagine that cosmetic surgery is unusually whatsoever in Hollywoodland. There was also talk about his marriage being on the rocks and I know the celebrity trash magazines (that I can't but flip through while at the grocery store) aren't above using  two facts about a person and linking them in anyway that makes a story they can sell. However, in this case, they were on to something .
     The reason I web blog about this today comes down to one main point that really surprised me in a very pleasant way. I think it really says a lot about society and how far we have come. I really have heard nothing but positive things about this whole issue. There's always the late night hosts that like to poke fun, but what I thought was really cool is I'm not even really referring about people on TV. I mean people I talk to whe waiting for my coffee in the morning or standing in line at the grocery store.  Of course, there are always the idiots that insists on having their say, however they really seem to be few and far between. 
   In short, I'm just loving all this loving, and proud of our society as a whole.

Guardian Angel

My maternal Grandfather, George Taylor, died on January 26th 1981. This happened to be the same day my mother found out she was pregnant with her first born....me. After her doctor's appointment she called her dad and told him he had something to tell her and they had planned to meet at his house after his jog around Boulevard Lake. My grandpa, unfortunately, never came home from that jog. He had a heart attack and passed away before my Mom could give him the news. That same year, my Mom's two only sisters gave birth to their first children as well.
I have always felt a special bond with my Grandpa even though I never had the pleasure of meeting him. I love when my Mom tells stories about him and the more I learn about him, the more it amazes me how much we are alike. This has always provided me with alot of comfort because as much as I love each and every member of my family, I often feel a bit different. Not better.... not worse.... Just different.
Although I have had dreams of my Grandpa George since I was a kid, they were few and far between until about three weeks ago. For the last several weeks I have been dreaming about him about every second night. They are always simple dreams. It is usually just the two of us sitting in his kitchen talking. Most times I wake up and can just vaguely remember what we talked about, but one thing I always remember is he calls me "Ladybug".
Last night around nine p.m. I was on my sofa reading, while my son was getting ready for bed in his bedroom down the hall,when I heard a faint whisper that sounded like "Ladybug." I figured I was hearing things and didn't pay too much attention until about 10 seconds later when I heard it again louder. After the second time, I immediately felt a strong feeling in my gut that I had better check on Kyler, even though I had a few minutes prior and he was happily playing with his toy cars. I ran into his room and almost fainted when I saw that my five year old son was halfway dangled outside his window.... and we are on the third floor!! I am not sure how, but the screen in his window and has been for three years had ripped and I am convinced another couple moments he would have fallen out and would have either been very seriously injured or even killed! I was so shaken up that it wasn't until about half hour later that it dawned on me what happened.... what I believe happened. I believe with all my heart that my Grandpa saw what was happening, warned me the only way he could, and stopped what would have been a terrible tragedy.
I believe we all have Guardian Angels and I have known for as long as I can remember that my Grandpa, George Taylor, has been watching over me. After what happened last night, I am comforted to know that he is watching over my son as well. I don't know anymore than anyone else what happens after we pass away, however, I do whole heartedly believe that I will have the opportunity to get to know my Grandpa and thank him.

Relationship E-Marketing

A few "tips" to help maintain personal, trusting and lasting consumer relationships through the Internet Barrier.

Technology, particularly the Internet, has undoubtedly changed the way we as human beings, so countless things over the last 15 years or so. There is no question. What does seem to be an ongoing debate however, with opinions that from what I have heard vary pretty evenly is, "Has technology helped or hurt our overall relationships and the way we interact with our fellow beings, both professional levels as well as personal levels?"

I can see both sides of the argument, both with equal strengths and weaknesses, so I can't say I am convinced entirely for either side. On one end, the Internet and such has made it extremely easy to communicate with anyone around the world through e-mail, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We are even able to chat for free with just about anyone, just about anywhere in the world. On the other end, these very tools that allow us to make such easy contact, take away a lot of the more intimate, personal ways in which to communicate with one another. An email just is not the same as a handwritten letter, and there are times when a text just is not the same as a phone call.

As Internet grows more and more with every day that goes by, more and more companies, services, etc. are choosing to use the E-Marketing method as a way of both obtaining market research and promotions. Although this is an effective way for marketing strategists to go about it because of the vast amounts of people in which they have access to, there is one very important aspect that must be acknowledged and applied for the most effective and successful outcome.

A successful E-Marketing strategy, quite simply, understand that maintaining a trusting and mutual respectful relationship with each and every one of it's consumers. Taking into consideration that this can often be a challenge, especially through a E-Marketing campaign for a variety of reasons, most significantly I believe, the interpersonal communication wall that technology has built in many ways. However, the good news is, the purpose of this very article is to pass on, what I hope to be some useful "tips' for lack if a better word, that I have found really helped build stronger more personal relations, for the most part, with various people within my market, that I may not otherwise had.

One thing I have found that is universal among just about everyone I have ever come into contact with. People don't want to hear about how much you know. They want to know about how much you care about them. Everyone wants to feel as though their feelings, wants, needs, etc. are taken into consideration and cared about. The reason why I stated this first is because just about everything followed is based on that simple principle. People need to know that they are cared about and that I (as a service) have their best interest at heart. With that, no-one wants to feel like a "number or just another customer. Everyone wants to be appreciated, accepted and treated accordingly to who they are as an individual.

Back to Basics: Our Inner Child

I am sure we have all heard expressions along the lines of "Remembering our inner child." Until recently, I didn't quite understand what that meant. Although, I am still learning about the significance of this concept, the more I nurture my spiritual being,the clearer it becomes. I have come to understand that within the process of really getting to know myself, it is necessary to get to know my inner child. This is where, I believe, the essence of my being exists.
When I first started looking back at my life and getting to know my inner child, I was astounded as to how little I have changed when it comes to the things I truly value and felt were important. The things I enjoyed the most are the things that to this day nurture my spirit.
Although there is alot to be said for growing and in the process acquiring knowledge, I believe that most of us give something very important up in that process. For myself, adult life and all that comes along with it, distracted me from the things that I truly value. I lost sight of the things that I truly believe. It was almost like all the new knowledge and experience that I have acquired thus far left little to no room for the values, beliefs and so on that are permanantly engrained in my very being. hi
Recently, in an attempt to really take an honest, personal inventory of my life starting with the beginning, and I began writing about my childhood did I begin to truly understand what is meant by "getting to know your inner child". I have learned so much about myself already by doing so and I would strongly recommend it to everyone. Maybe start out by asking yourself questions such as,"What did you want to be when you were a child?", or "What 18were your favourite things to do?" "What was the happiest day of your childhood life? Why?"
All adults, whether they are 18 or 88, were a child at one time and that child is and always be an enormous part of who you are. Doesn't it make sense to get to know them?

Facebook Universe

Looking back at my life thus far, despite any mistakes not so wise decisions I have made, and will most likely continue to due so being a human being and all, I can say with confidence there is very little I would have done differently. However, that said, if time travel was possible I would go back six and a half years ago to January 2004 or so and buy as many shares as I possibly could from Facebook Inc.
For those who have been living on the moon since that tie, Facebook (www.facebook.com) is quite simply a social networking site that since it's debut in February 2004 has become a worldwide phenomenon used by over 500b million members globally. Started by three college roommates, Facebook membership was initially limited to those who attended the prestigious Boston university, Harvard. Gradually, it's membership began including students attending any University or High School and before long to anyone over the age of 13 years old. n
Although I have been an avid user of the internet for about 12 years or so now, I was one of the last people I know to join the facebook community. To be honest, I figured it was all alot of hype and just the new trendy internet sensation. About two years or so, I gave in and registered on the site and like many, I began to really enjoy it. I have alot of extended family all over Canada that I most likely wouldn't think to call or write and I was pleasantly surprised how nice and simple Facebook made being able to keep in touch. Old friends from school that have either moved away or I have just lost touch with. Again, people that I otherwise wouldn't think nor have the time or way of touching base with, I can "talk" to here and there, look at pictures of their kids, and so on.
On a less personal level, I have also found Facebook to be a great way to network with other people on more of a professional level. Networking is so important now a days. More so, in my opinion, than ever before. I believe that we live in a "It's who you know, not what you know" society, which is unfortunate, however, chances are that isn't going to change anytime soon. Facebook, for many, has proven to be a influential and effective tool for this purpose.
It is without a doubt that Facebook has come an extremely long way a since 2004 and is ever changing it's features, security, etc. Although six years is very short time, as far as the next big trendy thing, six years is a lifetime. One would think the novelty of it all must be wearing thin. However, membership to the site continues to increase steadily. I don't think Facebook is going anywhere anytime in the near future.

So Just Where Is All This Opium Coming From?

With the amount of cases in which people becoming addicted to painkillers, primarily OxyContin, steadily increasing at staggering rates, I could not help but wonder just where all this opium was coming from initially.

It is common knowledge that the majority of the world's opium is grown in Afghanistan, one of may facts our media is more than happy to share with the public, in one of their many attempts to discredit Afghanistan. What I didn't know is the events over the last ten years that has increased the levels of opium produced in Afghanistan, which surprisingly has little to nothing to do with Afghanistan itself. In 1999, Afghan farmers accounted for 75% if the opium produced globally. These massive opium poppy farms spread all over the country of Afghanistan was responsible for the production of approximately 4000 tons of opium! The following year in 2000, the Taliban government now four years in power, put a ban on this massive opium production market and was successful doing so within the 90% of Afghanistan they effectively ruled. They also vowed that they would never allow the opium poppy production again. This was the first time ever in Afghanistan's long history of opium farming.
(A field of opium poppies growing in Afghanistan)

After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 and American forces conquered the Taliban regime about five weeks later.. Now, I am not saying that in any way I am in agreement with the Taliban regime, especially it's success in the suppression of the women and girls living under their rule. However, when you look at what opiate based drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers, especially oxy contin, has done to societies and it's citizens all over the world, it is hard not to feel as though the Taliban had the right idea about seizing the production of opium. Especially as the next series of events began to unveil. Soon after the Taliban were conquered, and their government and laws became null and void. To make a very long story (that is mysteriously missing some pieces) short, within the division of duties, several members of NATO "inherited" Afghanistan from the American forces. I can't seem to find a legitimate reason why the duty of the opium reproduction was given to the British Army. I can only speculate why, but I feel it wouldn't be out on a limb to speculate it may have something to do with America and Britain's close ties during this time. I mean, we can all remember all the photos of Tony Blair and George W. Bush shaking hands and smiling. They looked like best friends. Britain seemed to have little or no reluctance to join America in their "War against Terrorism." With the British Military now in charge of the opium production in Afghanistan, the weight produced increased very quickly. Now, these Afghan poppy farms were producing 90% of the world's opium, which would work out to be around 5500 tons a year! So, where is all this opium going?

The natural thought among most people which knowledge of what exactly was going on was of extreme concern. It would only make sense that with more opium being produced, there would be more heroin on big city streets. Mayors, police, health and other various city officials, braced themselves and tried everything they could think of to make the presence of what they assumed would be large, cheap amounts of heroin would begin to make their rounds. To all of their surprise, nothing changed for the worse, nor did it change for the worse. Even after the increase of opium being produced, more than ever before, the number of heroin addicts as a whole, does not change? So, just where did all that opium go?

Where Did All This Opium Go?

In 2001, the production of opium poppy farms in Afghanistan is at an all time high while under the supervision of the British military. 90% of the world's opium, an increase of 15%, of the world's opium is now being grown in Afghanistan. With such an increase of opium all of a sudden being produced came a understandable assumption that there would be a significant increase of heroin hitting the city streets. Many politicians, law officials and such began to do what they could to minimize the damage this extra heroin would dispense within society. Weeks turned into months, months into years and "surprisingly" no signs of substantial heroin abuse were occurring. The price of heroin on the streets didn't change a single bit indicating that for the most part, there wasn't an additional weight of the drug. It's simple. The more available a drug is on the streets lessens it's monetary value, for the most part. So with an increase as staggering as 15% of opium being produced in Afghanistan and no more or less heroin on the streets, one can't help to as wonder, "Where is all this opium going?"

Opium is not only the key ingredient in heroin but also in most of the prescription painkillers such as OxyContin and Morphine. Although these drugs are legal when prescribed by a physician, they have ruined many people's lives that have become addicted to them like a heroin user is to heroin. This has been the case for several decades, however, over the last decade study after study is showing an extremely troublesome trend that is increasing every moment. More and more people, from all walks of life, are becoming addicted to painkillers, primarily OxyContin, also known as "Hillbilly Heroin". North American society over the last ten years has developed an enormous problem that I refer to as the "Oxy Epidemic" and I believe that it wasn't an "accident". This quick timeline shows a very disturbing pattern. In 1996, a pharmaceutical manufacturer by the name of Perdue Pharma introduced OxyContin to the medical community. With false graphs and forged scientific documents they presented the drug as being a safe, effective painkiller to doctors across North America. They claimed that it was a lot less habit forming than other painkillers and a safer alternative than their competitors. With this misinformation, doctors began prescribing it to patients left and right. After the British Military took responsibility of the opium farms in Afghanistan and the production of opium increases by 15%, there was no evidence of an increase of heroin on the streets however the "Oxy Epidemic" increases rapidly. In 2007, Perdue Pharma pled guilty to the false information presented and were forced to pay over 700 million dollars in restitution. Not long after, it was proven that OxyContin in fact contained at least twice as much opium as the other painkillers on the market! Could that be where all the opium is going? It would make sense. However, one thing doesn't make sense to me. What is it about OxyContin that creates such a strong addiction. It is more than just the fact that they contain twice the opium. There is something else contained within that poison and I would be lying if I knew what it was. It will sure be interesting trying to find out.